LKS Foundation

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LKS Foundation Gives Content Creators A New Tool To Protect Their Digital Content

2020-06-04 13:27:24

The LKS Foundation is pleased to announce the launching of the LKSCOIN, a new cryptocurrency developed for content creators to counter fake news and protect the copyright of digital content.

The magazine blockfeed dedicated an article about LKSCOIN and its ability to protect the copyright of digital content.

The LKSCOIN aims to solve a major issue in the social media industry. In today’s world, content creators lose part of their own rights when they publish their content on social media. This particular issue puts at risk the ownership of the content. The massive spread of the content causes for original authors to quickly get lost in a sea of reposts, reshares, and outright stealing. Additionally, the demand for digital content continues to grow exponentially, especially during these times of uncertainty. 

The Importance Of LKSCOIN To Content Creators

 According to a report by WeAreSocial, more than 4.5 billion people now use the internet, while social media users have passed the 3.8 billion mark. Nearly 60% of the world’s population is already online, and the latest trends suggest that more than half of the world’s total population will use social media by the middle of this year.

With the growth of social media, content creators are also expected to grow with the market. However, this represents a bigger issue for the content they put out on these platforms. When content creators publish something on social media platforms, these typically have as part of their policy and privacy policies that they’re entitled to receive broad-reaching licenses to use, share change and profit from the content shared on the platform. For example, the platform could reuse the content for their advertisements, repost, or even sell the material to third parties without asking the owner or paying.

A Smart Solution For A Difficult Problem

The LKS Foundation has developed a solution that could quickly transform the social media industry by giving content producers a tool that allows them to remain as the primary beneficiaries of this ongoing revolution. The LKSCOIN takes power away from the social network owners and gives it back to the user, a token that is easy to implement, easy to maintain, and a token where users contribute to the security of the network and are incentivized to do it.

This token has been designed to create a non-fungible token, whose ultimate goal is to solve the copyright problem that content creators face in the digital era. Right now, more than 300k content creators are able to profit for the content they produce while also protecting their product ownership. The LKSCOIN also gives users a new payment method to reward their favorite content creators. In its ultimate design, the NFT that will be developed with the earning from the token sale, will be a powerful tool to uniquely identify the source of news, an idea, a song, a book.

The token has already been integrated with the platform Cam.TV, offering over 300,000 users the possibility to earn LKSCOINs from likes or donations. Users can also purchase additional digital services using the token within Cam.TV. 

LKSCOIN is socially impactful since it introduces the possibility to track and reward content generated by users, and this can help millions of people to reach their financial freedom. Nevertheless, LKSCOIN is also business-oriented, as it offers to social networks and analogous platforms the possibility to integrate a cryptocurrency that helps them to manage payments within the platform while significantly reducing the relative times and costs.

If you wish to know more about the LKS Foundation, please visit their website. For more information about the LKSCOIN, please visit: